Health_stack is an open source initiative that has been set-up, as many open source projects begin, without formal funding. Andy and myself run the project off the side of our desks and release a large number of our resources free of charge. If you would like to support this initiative and help us grow there are a number of ways of doing this which we will outline below.


If you have an idea for a post, have found a bug or have thought of a way to improve the site let us know on Github. If you would like to write a post for the health_stack site please feel free to create an issue and we would be happy to discuss this with your further.

Buy us a coffee

If you found what we have created helpful, you can buy us a coffee! It helps to keep this project up and running and allows us to continue to produce high quality resources for you to learn from.


We are currently considering whether to offer webinars that would cover a range of topics within R that may be useful to health researchers. If this is something you would be interested in, please drop us an email at and we can discuss this further.