Who are we?

Health Stack is a place to store R code that can help with research projects involving health data. The aim of the site is to make R coding accessible to health researchers that are beginners in coding.

We hope to provide extra notes within the code that can help brake down the barriers to understanding which is often missing from package descriptions and online forums.

Andrew Kingsnorth
Andrew Kingsnorth (Phd)
A researcher with an interest in digital health and well-being informatics.

Experienced in both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching within higher education, and is an Associate Fellow of the The Higher Education Academy (now Advance HE). An R novice that is learning to code through trial and error.

Google Scholar Profile | LinkedIn Profile

Jonah Thomas
Jonah Thomas (MSc)
A PhD student focusing on physical activity promotion and digital health technologies. Competent R programmer who is still learning both R and other languages.

Google Scholar Profile | LinkedIn Profile